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ICAPP 2007

2007 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants


Conference and Exhibition Centre of Nice,Nice Acropolis, France(“Nice Acropolis” - www.nice-acropolis.com)





Technical Program:

0.00: Unassigned Abstracts/Papers

1.00: Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues

2.00: High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors

3.00: LMFR & Longer Term Reactor Programs

4.00: Operation, Performance & Reliability Management

5.00: Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues

6.00: Thermal Hydraulic Analysis and Testing

7.00: Fuel Cycle and Waste Management

8.00: Materials and Structural Issues

9.00: Nuclear Energy and Sustainability

10.00: Near Term Deployment Context Issues

11.00: Reactor Physics and Analysis

12.00: Innovative and Space Reactor Systems

13.00: Plenary Sessions

14.00: Key Note Sessions


Technical Tour 1: CEA Cadarache Centre

 Research Centre of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, one of the most important European centres for research and technological development.


TORE SUPRA: it is one of the largest tokamaks in the world. its main characteristics are super-conducting toroidal magnets and actively-cooled plasma-facing components? These features allow the study of plasmas with long pulse durations.

Since the beginning ot its operation in 1988, Tore Supra has produced more than 20 000 plasma discharges. Among the various breakthroughs achieved by Tore Supra is a world record plasma duration of 6 minutes 30 seconds reached on December 4, 2003.


ITER (International Termonuclear Experimental Reactor):

It’s a major step towards nuclear fusion energy. The main characteristics of this project (fusion basics, technologies and components) will be presented during the visit.

Technical Tour 2: CEA Marcoule Plant


PHENIX: commissioned in 1974, Phenix is a prototype fast neutron reactor built to investigate the significant advantages of this type of reactor for optimum use of nuclear fuel in the future. Phenix is a unique French research facility for studying the transmutation of long-lived radioactive waste to reduce mass and toxicity of long-lived actinides.


ATALANTE: Atalante includes high level chemistry and nuclear chemistry research structures necessary for studies on back end of nuclear cycle.

Unique in Europe, Atalante facility supports fundamental and applied research activities ranging from laboratories studies on very small quantities of radioactive materials to demonstration.

Technical Tour 3: EDF Tricastin or Cruas NPPs on the Rhône River.


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